How HOCATT Protects Us


Today I want to talk about what HOCATT does to protect us. We need protection from colds, viruses, pathogens, toxins, all the things that we have to live with in this world. When you get into the HOCATT, it fills with ozone. The ozone is able to go all the way through your skin, into every organ, into your bloodstream at a safe level yet a very powerful level. So that powerful level allows the ozone to encapsulate all of our healthy cells. Our healthy cells have an ozone resistant barrier around them that does not allow ozone to actually get into the cell, but it encapsulates the cell and then our sick cells or pathogens in the body get damaged or destroyed. By using the HOCATT, you can address pathogens or viruses, and they are immediately inactivated by ozone.

With one HOCATT session, the ozone can last for three to five days, sometimes seven days, and your healthy cells are protected by ozone. We love to see people come in and do proactive prevention by using HOCATT, but we also see people come in that are struggling with some kind of virus or pathogen, and they find relief with several HOCATT sessions, depending on their situation.

Come on in to Detox Depot and see what the HOCATT can do for you.


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