
“I woke up with sudden hearing loss and tinnitus in one ear. After doing the usual steroid protocol with an MD and no improvement, I resorted to trying ozone therapy. I’m happy to report that nearly all my hearing is back after 60% loss initially. I’m a firm believer in ozone therapy.”

-Michelle Janee

“Both the HOCATT and the foot detox were incredibly revitalizing to both my body and soul. The pain and discomfort in my lumbar spine and legs has been completely eliminated after treatment. I feel like a new person. Can’t wait to continue.”

-Laura Reardon

“I got into a horrible horse accident and immediately came to Detox Depot, recommended by a friend. It tremendously helped with inflammation I was experiencing and gave me some pain relief. The HOCATT is a must for healing. Thank you!”

- Danielle Travis - Polo Player

“I’ve been a client of Detox Depot for around 15 years and the services that I have had have saved my life, my health and brought me back on track without heavy medication that was suggested to me by the traditional doctors. I’m very thankful for Detox Depot and for the products I use including toothpaste, deodorant, facial moisturizer that have proved to be non-toxic to my body while improving my health along with the water, and the services they provide…”

-Dana Hansen of Montecito

“Detox Depot has changed my life. I suffered from chronic fatigue for years and thought that it was normal to just feel tired all the time. I heard about Detox Depot last year and decided to come in for a foot detox. I discovered that I had a ton of parasites, heavy metals and liver toxin build up. After doing several foot detoxes and eating healthier, I started feeling awake and alive than I had in years. My brain fog disappeared, and I was able to think clearly and my memory improved. All in all, I recommend Detox Depot to anyone who wants to have more energy and think clearly. Thank you Dawn and Pamela!”

-Ames Balliet

“I highly recommend the Ozone Sauna! I’m of well-advanced age with serious health problems of many years, some even lifelong. Due to contracting the Frankenstein Flu, I began my Ozone Sauna sessions. I’ve had great success on many levels. The incredible lightness and vitality I feel through my whole being is wonderful! It’s almost youth. As soon as I regain my previous strength, I intend to continue, at least one session a week. Besides, the ladies are all good looking and cheerful guides on this journey to vigor!”

-Mike Preston

“While battling COVID, I was ready to give up and die. I told the Lord, “If this is it, take me now! I was told by someone at Cottage Hospital to only come in if I couldn’t breathe. I lacked energy, couldn’t stand or walk, was just lying on the floor, only able to crawl from room to another room and had lost 65 pounds. The ladies at Detox Depot called and demanded that I come and get in the HOCATT..it opened up my breathing, lessened the fluid in my lungs, and dissipated my cough. I felt great relief! The second session, I felt more strength and energy, the third session brought relief to my joints, stomach and took away inflammation! I’ve also done foot detox (which scared me) and the Red Light which I highly recommend!”
